Transportation easily arranged! We have our own transport service. Shipping your goods is therefore not a problem.

Dominial has its own transport service to meet your fast delivery times.
- Dominial has 3 trucks and 2 forklift trucks (up to 7000 kg)
You can contact the expedition to use this service.
Telephone: +31104345588
Expedition staff: Jeftha Mulder & Arie Holleman

Routes own transport
We drive these standard routes. For any deviating places, you can contact the expedition to plan transport.


We also work with a carrier called Beekman transport.
This allows us to pick up or deliver boxes up to 35 Kg every day, but also pallets and boxes throughout the Netherlands. Simply register with our expedition and the product will be picked up the next day and put into production within 24 hours. If you register the product before 9 am, it will be picked up the same day and put into production within 24 hours. This allows us to deliver and pick up anywhere in the Netherlands quickly every day of the week, so that you have as little time as possible.
Pick up and bring it yourself
You can also bring your items yourself and pick them up back later if this is handier for you.