
The process

Carburizing is a thermochemical diffusion process which adds carbon to the surface of a low carbon steel. The carbon diffusion depth and the related effective case depth can vary from 0.1 to 6mm.

The total process is applied in three phases:

  • Carburizing is A thermochemical process in a chamber furnace with integrated quench to enrich the surface in a carbonaceous encironment in a temperature range of 880 to 980 degrees.
  • Hardening is achieved after quenching eithger in oil, polymer/water solution.
  • A tempering operation follows. Tempering temperature and time at heat depend on product requirement and application. THe tempering process nubunuses peak stresses and reduces crack initation.

Benefits of this heat treatment

The purpose of case hardening is to give the surface layer of steel workpieces and tools a significantly greater hardness and to improve their mechanical properties. Case hardened components and tools are characterized by their increased resistance to wear, tough core, and increased bending fatigue strength. Such characteristics are of particular importance in gear components.

Customer information required for heat treatment

The following information is required for performing case hardening:

  • Material
  • Case depth in mm (CHD)
  • Partly case hardening possible
  • Insulation requirements, where relevant (e.g. in the form of a workpiece drawing indicating sections that must not undergo hardening)

Suitable materials

Case hardening steels are construction steels with a relatively low carbon content, whose surface layer is generally carburized or carbonitrided prior to hardening. The carbon content of case hardening steels is generally below that of hardened and tempered steels, i.e. less than 0.25%.

Possibillities at Dominial for carburizing

  •  Dominial can carburise with a depth of 0.1 to 6 mm.
  •  Maximum furnace capacity of Ø 2600 * 3500 mm.
  •  Maximum batch weight up to 20,000 kg.
  •  We can deliver EHT curves with advanced equipment.
  • Dominal has fully automated the process, which means that we can determine layer thickness and carbon percentage during the process.
  • Dominal has 10 Gas Retort furnaces for carburizing.

Contact form carburizing

Would you like more information about carburizing? Please contact us!

Contactformulier Carboneren